The Secret to Building Huge Calves

Serious Bulking – Take the Guess Work Out of Building Muscle


Calves have to be the single hardest muscle to build for many guys and gals. This leads to many giving up on their journey to building huge calves.

This is also another reason many people give up training legs too because they have small calves to begin with as well so they don’t see the point in training legs or calves.

Don’t make this mistake!

Calves are a hard muscle to build yes, however today I am going to share 4 strategies that I developed over the years for building huge calves with you to turn your mediocre calves into something others will envy!

#1 Train Them 2 to 3 Times Per Week

Calves are a very small muscle group and thus recover very quickly. It allows us to increase the training frequency.

This is one reason why most guys don’t see results because they train them once per week and expect them to get huge.

You need to train them at the very least 2 to 3 times per week.

Training your calves doesn’t take long. 10-15 minutes at the most.

So hit them before your main workout.

If you leave it until afterward then you’ll more than likely be tired and say “oh well tomorrow is another day ill train them then”

Don’t fall into this trap! Make sure you get them out of the way before doing anything else.

#2 Tempo

As I mentioned, calves are not a very big muscle group and do not have a very big range of motion.

So slapping on 4 45lb plates on the seated calf raise and lifting them so fast it looks like you’re trying to take off the ground, doesn’t help much.

Instead, slow the tempo down to a 4-2-4 style.

What this simply means is you will count a 4 count upon lifting the weight, then squeeze and contract the muscle for 2 seconds, then count a 4-second negative.

This trains the entire muscle and allows them to get enough muscle damage to GROW.

#3 Super Set Calves During Regular Workouts

If you simply don’t have the time to hit calves before your regular workouts then another great strategy for building huge calves is super setting.

This works extremely well especially if you are training with a training partner however it is also effective alone.

For example, if you and your training partner are doing let’s say triceps push-downs, if there is a calf machine nearby slap on some weight and hit it while your partner is busy.

Then when you are done he/she goes.

This is a great way to make sure you get extra triceps training volume into your workouts.

#4 Add Calf Movements into Leg Exercise Movements

This is another great way to add that little bit extra when building huge calves.

Simply add calf movements in where applicable and you see they could work with your leg training.

A good example is the leg press or hack squat, at the top of every rep just extend your ankles and work your calves too.

This can be done with many leg exercises but don’t do it with free weight movements such as squats/front squats etc. as you don’t want to get off balance with a loose bar on your back!

I myself have adopted all of these techniques over the years and got my calves to 19.5”! And my calf genetics were mediocre to begin with.

If I can do it you definitely can too!

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NoelGRSr 2016