Full body workout is great for your body. Not only does it strengthen and increase your energy levels, it improves your brain health and memory.
Full body workout routines, as the name implies, exercises most of the muscles groups in your body. As those muscles become stronger, you will get fitter.
The best way to get results from your workout routines is to know what you want to achieve.
That way, you will not work in vain exercising the wrong sets of muscles or worst still do routines that won’t work.
In order to avoid injuries and get results fast, it is best to use a professional instructor.
You can either register at a gym or get a private trainer. If either option is not feasible, you can get a training program designed by a professional.
There are different types of full body workout routines designed specifically for particular purposes.
Make sure you read through the entire 3 pages of the 7 full body workout routines for best results.
So let’s get down to business
Full Body Workout for Beginner
Workout Routines with Weights
A beginner cannot just hit the gym and start whatever exercise comes to mind or do what they see others do.
Because that is a fast way to waste gym time and get injured.
I will take you through each exercise and describe how to perform it and the number of repetitions to do.
Are you ready? Let’s go!
This exercise requires the use of a barbell and its aim is to strengthen your quads. Your lower back, hamstring, glutes, and calves also benefit from this exercise.

How to:
- With the barbell on your shoulders and your feet shoulder-width apart, clasp your elbows on the middle of your body to keep your back tight.
- Now, push back your hips while bending your knees.
- Once your thighs are parallel to the floor, begin your ascent back to the starting position.
- This completes the first repetition.
- Continue the process for 10 to 15 times and get the barbell off your shoulder.
- You will do 3 sets of this repetition to complete this particular exercise.
Seated Calf Raise
This exercise is meant to strengthen your calves.

How to:
- You will require a machine designed for this purpose.
- Balance the ball of your feet on the platform while sitting on the machine.
- This will leave your heels hanging in the air.
- Your quads will be under the knee pad and hold the grip on the top for balance.
- Release the safety bar then lower your heels and let your calves fully stretch.
- Return to the starting position to complete a repetition.
- Do this for 15 to 20 times to complete a set.
- You are required to do 2 sets of this exercise.
Barbell Bench Press
This exercise will strengthen your chest muscles and the shoulders and triceps will benefit from it too.

How to:
- Lie with your back flat on the bench and hold the barbell at shoulder width. Lift the weigh from where it hangs.
- Take a deep breath and slowly lower the bar towards your chest.
- Be sure the bar is straight as it moves down and let the bar touch your chest.
- Push the weight back up till your shoulders lock.
- That completes a rep and you will repeat that for 10 to 15 times to make a set.
- You will do 3 sets of this exercise.
Shoulder Press
This exercise will strengthen your shoulder in particular, but your abs, traps, and triceps are also getting exercised.

How to:
- Grip the barbell at shoulder width then lift to just above your chest with your shoulders at rest.
- Push the barbell upwards above your head till your elbows lock.
- Bring it back down to your chest.
- This completes one repetition.
- You are required to do 2 sets of this in 8 to 12 reps.
Pull Down
This is an exercise for strengthening your triceps and you will require a cable stack for this.

How to:
- Grip a straight bar attached to a cable stack with your palms facing down.
- Pull (not push) down till your elbows nearly lock and slowly guide it back to the starting position.
- This completes a repetition.
- You will do this 8 to 12 times for a set and you will do a set of 2.
This routine should be done 3 days a week every other day. Your rest days are important so, don’t skip on them. !
Full Body Workout Routine for Females
Workout routines that are applicable to men might not be appropriate for females especially one who is a beginner.
There are particular routines that are best suited for a female and will help her get the desired results fast. Without further ado, let’s get to it.
Dumbbell Rows
This is a good exercise to strengthen the muscles of your back, shoulders, and arms and it is suitable for all body types. You will need dumbbells, of course, and a bench.

How to:
- Rest your knee and arm on the bench while leaning forward.
- Lift the dumbbell with the other hand and pull it up beside your body.
- Let it back down till your arm is straight.
- This completes a repetition.
- You will do 8 to 10 of this in 2 sets.
This is great for working the pectoral muscles (yes, ladies have that too), shoulders, and your triceps. You won’t need any equipment for this.

How to:
- Lie on your chest with your palms flat on the ground beside you at shoulder width.
- Push against the floor to lift your body weight.
- Slowly go back down hinging on your elbows but don’t get all the way to the floor before pushing back up.
- That’s a rep.
- You will do 5 to 7 reps of this for 3 sets.
This is one exercise that takes on your entire lower body. It works the muscles of your thighs, hips, and calves.

How to:
- Take a giant step forward and keep your feet that far apart.
- With your back straight, bend your knees to about 90 degrees and raise yourself back up.
- This completes one repetition.
- You will alternate the leg you lead with after a repetition.
- Do 2 sets of this 10 to 12 times.
Crunches with a Stability Ball
This is an exercise targeted at your abs and obliques. You will need a stability ball for this and it should be fun.

How to:
- Sit on the ball with your feet flat on the ground.
- Lean back on the ball as you walk your feet forward all the while ensuring that your thighs are parallel to the floor.
- You will soon feel the heat on your abs as a signal that the muscles are getting worked.
- You should do 10 reps of this for 3 sets.
Your body will thank you for this routine as you will start feeling stronger over time.
You can do this full body workout every other day. On your work days, take 90 to 120-second breaks after an exercise.
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