Foods That Fight Colon Cancer

It has never been more delicious to fight cancer. If only more people knew they could eat great tasting foods that protect them from common cancers there would certainly be fewer cases. Eat these delicious foods that fight colon cancer.

Corn On The Cob With Real Butter

Who knew that something so delicious could help fight cancer of the colon? The real butter contains a compound known as CLA which is a type of acid known to fight cancer. The other compound found in the fiber of corn stifles cancer growth. Combining these two foods is a delicious bite of cancer prevention.

Curry Delights The Pallet While Killing Colon Cancer

The main component that makes curry yellow goes by the name of curcumin. This compound has been found to kill as much as 1/4 of cancerous colon cells within as little as one day. This food is loved around the world and now can be part of anyone’s fight against colon cancer.

Mushrooms In An Omelet Or As A Topping To Pizza Can Fight Cancer

This food contains the antioxidant known as ergothioneine. This and other antioxidants have been shown to fight cancer. Mushrooms can be added to salads, soups, as a topping for steak, or casseroles.

Berries To The Rescue

All edible berries have loads of healthy antioxidants that will fight cancer. Eat a variety to get a range of nutrients that will delight the tongue and fight those pesky cancer cells. Black raspberries contain almost 50% more antioxidants than some other choices.

Ginger Is At The Root Of The Solution

In one study, consuming ginger root for one month reduced inflammation of the colon by almost one third. Inflammation is thought to be at the root of the cause of many maladies including cancer. Two tablespoons of freshly ground ginger with daily meals is the recommended amount.

Sunshine And Salmon

It has recently be discovered that a deficiency in vitamin D contributes to cancer of the colon. Getting as little as 15 minutes of sunshine and eating just 3 ounces of fresh baked salmon can provide more than enough vitamin D to resolve any deficiencies.

Brown Rice Can Reduce Polyps

One organization did a study that found if the group ate brown rice only once a week they could reduce the growth of colon polyps by almost half. Fiber was one of the key components which halted the growth of cancerous cells. Brown rice has up to 7 times the amount of fiber as white rice. Fiber is one of the important ingredients of foods that fight colon cancer.

Peanuts Are Not Nuts But Are Good In The Fight Against Cancer

It might seem surprising but peanuts are legumes and including them along with peas and black beans reduce the chance of developing polyps in the colon by up to one third. Peanuts are also a good source of fiber.

Anyone including these foods as part of their regular diet will be delighted in their taste and even more delighted in knowing they’re helping ensure they don’t come down with cancer. Colon cancer is a serious problem, but one that can be fought off with good dietary choices.

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