6 exercises to get even the flattest booty to pop

Romanian Deadlifts

How to do:

Stand upright and hold a barbell in front of your body at thigh height. Place a slight bend in your knees, maintain a flat back, bend at the waist, and slowly slide the weight along the front of your legs until it reaches your shins.Hold the stretch for 1s, powerfully contract your butt, and accelerate back up to starting position.Unlike a traditional deadlift, your hips/butt don’t move vertically — keep them stationary and emphasize the stretch behind your knees during the downward part of thet motion.

Barbell Hip Thrusts

How to do:

Use a pad or towel to keep waist padded, especially if you’re a dude, and prop both ends of the barbell up on blocks or steps. It’ll make it easier to slip under the bar.Lay your back against a bench and slide your hips underneath a barbell. It should sit right over your pelvis.Hold the bar with both hands, powerfully thrust your hips upward, squeeze your butt, and press up until your body forms a straight line.Hold it at the top for 1 seconds—make sure you SQUEEZE your butt as hard as possible—and lower back down to the floor. Repeat.

Explosive Lunges

How to do:

Stand with your feet together and your hands on your hips.Then lunge forward with your right leg.Jump up, switch legs in midair, and land with your left leg in a forward lunge.Continue these explosive lunges, alternating sides, for one minute.Keep your fists up in front of your chin and push off the floor with both feet. Your front knee should be bent 90 degrees and align over your ankle.

Single-Leg Glute Bridge

How to do:

Lie on your back with your knees bent and soles of your feet on the floor.Extend one leg.On your exhale, squeeze your glutes, and push your hips up toward the ceiling as high as you can.Pause, then lower until your butt hovers right above the floor, and repeat without touching the ground to complete one rep.

Hydrants with Leg Extension

How to do:

Begin on all fours with your knees hip-width apart and your wrists stacked over your shoulders.Keeping the knee bent to a 90-degree angle, lift the right leg out to hips-height, then extend the raised leg straight out to the side.Pause before you bend the knee again, and bring your leg back to starting position to complete one rep.

The birdbog

Starting Position: Come to a hands and knees position on an exercise mat positioning your knees underneath your hips and the crease of your wrists directly underneath your shoulders. Your fingers should be pointing forward.Engage your core and abdominal muscles. Imagine you are tightening a corset around your waistline. Keep your spine in a neutral position, avoid any excessive sagging or arching. Pull the shoulder blades toward your hips.

Upward Phase: In this exercise you are attempting to move the opposite arm and leg simultaneously. It is very helpful to use a mirror to help you with form adjustments. Begin by slowly lengthening the left leg until it is long and strong. Lift the leg off the floor until it is at or near parallel to the floor. The leg should not be lifted above hip height. This will help to avoid upward rotation at the hip.

Slowly raise and straighten right arm. Attempt to raise the arm until it is at, or near parallel, to the floor. Do not allow the shoulders to tilt upward. Keep both shoulders parallel to the floor. Your head is an extension of your spine and should remain aligned with the spine throughout the movement. Do not lift the head or let it sag downward.

NOTE: The leg and arm should only be raised as to heights that allow you to maintain the shoulders and pelvis in parallel to one another, the core engaged and the spine in neutral position.

Downward Phase: Gently lower yourself back to your starting position, maintaining balance and stability in the shoulders, pelvis and torso.

Alternating Sides: During this phase of changing sides, work very hard to keep the abdominals engaged. Imagine knitting your ribs together as though you were lacing up a tennis shoe. When you change sides, try to do so with minimal weight shift. Do not flop from one side to the next. Maintain balance and control.

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