Scientists Confirm: These 10 Things Fight Cancer (#7 is illegal)

If you know someone who is struggling with cancer, please submit this information, because they just might save another life and may represent the only hope for survival! Although cancer is considered a complex disease it is important to know that cancer diseases are actually the growth of cancerous cells which leads to weakening of the immune system, increasing the number of toxic substances in the body. Evidence obtained from significant studies have shown that there are hundreds of known and effective drugs against this disease. Here are some simple protocols that can make a miracle in the treatment of cancer.

Baking soda

One teaspoon of baking soda and juice from one lemon, 250 milliliters of water, several times a day will successfully reduce the acidity in the body. Cancer cells can not grow in an alkaline environment.

Sanguinaria Canadensis

This is a perennial herb that contains the alkaloid called Sanguinarin. It has the capacity to destroy cancer cells, and not to destroy healthy cells. It can be used orally and externally as a remedy for skin and other cancers.


This is a medicinal fungus whose action is studied for years. It is proven that it has the capacity to modulate the immune system and has anticancer properties.

Vitamin D

Monitoring the quantity of vitamin D in the blood and its balance can help prevent cancer and help fight cancer. In a study from 2006, it is noted that the small amounts of vitamin D are associated with a reduced survival rate of cancer patients, especially in patients who are in postmenopausal period.

Tea potion of Essiac

The original mixture of tea is an old recipe of Indian natives who have used it hundreds of years ago. A Canadian nurse learned from them the Tea recipe and started to share it to patients fighting cancer after which the patients started incredibly quick recovery. This Tea is a combination of several anticancer plants and plants that clean the body, and that’s all that is needed for the patient suffering from cancer. All you have to do is to drink it several times a day.

Linseed oil and young cheese

Dr. Johanna Budwig from Germany, biochemist, and doctor is a woman who came up with the natural way of treating cancer at a rate of 90 percent cure, a method which she practiced for fifty years. The combination of the oil and the young cheese gives the body essential fatty acids and lipoproteins that reduce tumor and restore the balance of the organism.

Cannabis oil– Cannabis sativa subsp. sativa var. Indica

Cannabinoids in cannabis oil kill cancerous cells. Just like other herbal preparations it does not destroy healthy cells. There are a number of studies that have confirmed the importance of the cannabis oil in the treatment of many cancers including breast cancer.


85 percent of the people of the world population have too little iodine in the body. Because of this increased quantity production of estrogen in the body, you must check often the amount of iodine in the blood. (For not allowing estrogen to create a mutation of cells and increase the possibility of creating a cyst or tumor).


Melatonin is a powerful inhibitor of the creation of cancer cells. Laboratory studies have shown that melatonin “puts breast cancer cells to sleep” and reduces their growth by 70 percent. Melatonin also prevents the negative effect of estrogen from the food we eat. (Milk, meat, fish, and seafood).

Broccoli kept suckerless

This vegetable has anticancer properties and has been shown that the offspring of broccoli has a hundred times more protein than other similar vegetables. They contain sulforofan which not only kills cancer cells but also reduces their growth and spread in the body, and this action shows in many cancers.

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