Michael Jackson Is Alive

Michael Jackson is ALIVE and secretly preparing for a massive comeback, claims wacky theory backed by King of Pop’s producer, stylist ‘and rapper Akon’

Conspiracy theories about Michael Jackson have been reignited after the singer’s collaborator and producer Teddy Riley said he thought the star was still alive.

MICHAEL Jackson is alive and well and preparing to make a massive comeback, according to a group of his friends and collaborators.

Teddy Riley, 51, who worked with the King of Pop on the Dangerous album, has got tongues wagging after he said he thought the singer was still alive.

Michael Jackson Is Alive
Teddy Riley, with Michael Jackson, thinks the star is still aliveCredit: instagram

Rejecting conventional wisdom that the world’s third-best-selling music artist of all time died in Los Angeles on June 25, 2009, Riley wrote in November 2010: “If people can think Elvis is still alive why the F#*@ I cant [sic] think Michael is still alive.”

Michael Jackson Is Alive
Akon, right, also thinks Jackson is actually not deadCredit: Splash News

The post on Twitter came one day after a fan wrote to him: “[Producer and rapper] Akon said he believes Michael is in hiding and will be coming back one day. Im curious to know what ya think bout that.”

Riley responded, “Akon is my friend and we think alike.”

Akon, 45, recorded a remix of Wanna Be Startin’ Somethin’ for the 25th anniversary release of Jackson’s icon album Thriller.

He has also claimed he was a close friend of the star towards the end of his life and released the tribute song Cry Out Of Joy after his death.

Jackson’s former stylist and hairdresser Steve Erhardt, who initially wrote a Facebook message to “believers” – the singer’s fans who still cling to the idea he is still alive – in 2017 saying he had a message for them.

The message said: “A tip for the believers, the Michael Jackson believers. You heard it here first, an announcement of sorts.


“And in a couple of months, or latest at the end of the year, you will be receiving some very good news.

“It’s almost unbelievable. And not even the family knows… but I do.”

Erhardt has never made public exactly what the post referred to.

In June last year he shared another enigmatic post showing only the leg of a man wearing Jacko’s trademark white socks and baggy, short black trousers.

The post said: “In a recording studio, somewhere in the world, in an undisclosed location, he’s coming soon.”

Further fuelling the strange conspiracy theories has been a YouTube channel, “BeLIEve” focused on debating if Jackson is still alive.

In one video, it states: “Michael’s friend, Hollywood hair designer Steve Erhardt, told us last year that he would give good news to Believers (I mean people who believe that Michael Jackson is alive).

“Now he shared something that excited the fans.”

Michael Turegano, who has investigated Jacko’s death for almost a decade, said that Erhardt’s claims should not be dismissed.

He said last year: “He’s been in contact with Michael in the past. So I think we should care what he says.”

Jackson died after suffering a heart attack in 2009 but some people have refused to believe that is really what happened.

His personal physician, Conrad Murray, was convicted of involuntary manslaughter over his death, which was deemed to be a homicide, the Los Angeles County Coroner ruled.

Jackson died after a heart attack in 2009Credit: Reuters
Jackson died after a heart attack in 2009Credit: Reuters

Hairdresser Steve Erhardt has posted comments about Jackson on his Facebook page
Hairdresser Steve Erhardt has posted comments about Jackson on his Facebook page

What do you think?

Warning Signs That Your Liver Isn’t Functioning properly

Top 11 Warning Signs That Your Liver Isn’t Functioning Properly.

Beware! Those Toxins Are Accumulating In Your Fatty Tissues!

Liver – the heaviest and the second largest organ in the human body. It is probably one of the most hardworking organs of the body and performs a number of functions. It is a key player in our body’s digestive system as whatever you eat or drink passes through it.

Our liver sits exactly under the lower rib cage on the right side of our body and is about the size of a football (size may vary from person to person according to the body type). 

The most important function of the liver is cleaning the blood by getting rid of harmful chemicals present in the body. It also helps in the production of bile, which, in turn, helps in breaking down the fat in the body. It helps in the storing of sugar (glucose), which provides a quick energy boost whenever required by the body.

  1. There is hormonal imbalance in the body.
  2. Improper digestion of food.
  3. You experience anxiety 
  4. depression quite often.
  5. Constant headache.
  6. Joint pains.
  7. You feel lethargic.
  8. Chronic fatigue.
  9. Facial acne.
  10. Abdominal pain.
  11. Diarrhea or constipation.

Now, the next question that arises is how can you take good care of your liver, and if your liver is not functioning well, what can you do to improve its functioning? The answer to these questions is very simple. Firstly, eat food that is beneficial for your health, and secondly, bring about some positive changes in your lifestyle. 

Here are some tips and tricks that can help you maintain a healthy liver:

  1. Drink plenty of water.
  2. Eat healthy fats.
  3. Go for a balanced diet that includes everything from plant proteins and meat to seeds and nuts.
  4. Avoid processed foods.
  5. Try to eat more of organic foods that are low in sodium and other toxic substances.
  6. Refined sugar is not good for our health. Thus, try to minimize its consumption.
  7. Do not cook food in inflammatory vegetable oils such as sunflower oil, corn oil or safflower oil.
  8. Reduce the consumption of fructose.
  9. Spinach, cabbage, parsley, chicken, and eggs are rich in amino acids. Eat more of them.
  10. You should also consume foods that are rich in sulfur, such as broccoli, eggs, sprouts, garlic, etc.
  11. Reduce alcohol consumption.
  12. Quit smoking.

Here are some foods that can help you take good care of your liver:

1. Apples

Apples are rich in pectin and other enzymes that are necessary to cleanse the system and release toxins from the digestive tract. Thus, they help the liver in handling the toxic overload during the cleansing process.

2. Avocados

Avocados are superfoods that are rich in nutrients. They help the body to produce a compound called glutathione that helps the liver in cleansing harmful toxins.

3. Green Tea

Green tea is rich in antioxidants. It contains catechins, which facilitate the proper functioning of the liver.

4. Carrots And Beetroots

Both carrots and beetroots are rich in flavonoids and beta-carotene. And thus, eating them can stimulate and improve the overall functioning of the liver.

5. Garlic

This pungent-smelling white bulb has the ability to activate the enzymes in the liver that flush out toxins from the body. They also contain selenium and allicin, and both these compounds help in cleansing the liver.

6. Green Leafy Vegetables

All green leafy vegetables, including spinach, bitter gourd, and dandelion greens (whether eaten raw or cooked) are rich in plant chlorophylls that suck up the environmental toxins from the bloodstream. They also have the ability to neutralize the effects of chemicals and pesticides in the body and thereby act as a protective mechanism for our liver.

7. Lemons

These citrus fruits are rich in vitamin C, which helps the body to synthesize the toxic materials into substances that are easily absorbed by water. Thus, it is recommended to have a glass of lemon juice in the morning as it is very helpful in stimulating the liver.

8. Walnuts

Walnuts contain a high amount of the amino acid arginine that helps in detoxifying ammonia from the liver. They also contain omega-3 fatty acids that facilitate the normal cleansing process of the liver. When you eat walnuts, make sure you chew them properly and then swallow. 

9. Olive Oil

Olive oil and other cold-compressed organic oils, such as hemp oil, are really good for the liver. They help in providing a lipid base to the liver that can suck up all the toxins and wastes from the body. This takes some burden off the liver. 

10. Turmeric 

You can consider it as the favorite spice of the liver as it helps boost liver detoxification by assisting the enzymes to flush out toxins.

  1. Grapefruit 

Grapefruits are also rich in antioxidants and vitamin C that aid the natural cleansing process of the liver. A small glass of freshly squeezed grapefruit juice is enough to boost the production of the detoxification enzymes in the liver.

Now that you know how to take care of your liver, check for the symptoms mentioned above and start taking precautions from today. It is also suggested to consult a doctor if you feel that medication is required.

We hope you enjoyed reading the article. Share your views in the comments section below.

Four Days Cleanse Kidney And Gallbladder Stones

Kidney/Gallbladder Cleanse Expel Kidney Stones and Gallbladder Stones in just four days

 "You are like whitewashed tombs which indeed appear beautiful outwardly, but inside are full of dead men's bones and all uncleanness."

Matthew 23:27

Americans are probably the most squeaky clean people on earth with their daily showers and deodorants. But inside, they are full of all uncleanness from unhealthy diets. It is estimated that 16 million Americans are afflicted with gallstones. These stones are deposits of cholesterol or calcium combined with bile. Bile or gall is a secretion produced by the liver to emulsify fats so that they can be digested. One possible cause of gallstones is the body's lack of ability to digest certain fatty or processed foods. Sometimes these gallstones pass harmlessly into the intestine, but they can also block up the ducts of the gallbladder. When this happens, the duct contracts in an effort to dislodge the blockage and the result is excruciating pain. To make matters worse, the pain is frequently accompanied by vomiting.

Gallstones is the fifth cause of hospital admission and the third most common surgical procedure. But surgery is not the only answer. Imagine being able to remove these gallstones painlessly, without a knife and without a doctor. If you do the Gallbladder Cleanse, you won't bear the marks of surgery on your body, but you will have the proof that this cleanse works when you see the gallstones released into the toilet.

Common symptoms include chronic gas, belching, pain, bloating, jaundice, headache, bad temper, sluggishness, nerves, or severe pain in right abdomen under rib cage. You may have gallstones even though you have none of these symptoms.

Hydrogenated fats and oils are thought to cause gallstones because they are difficult to digest. Hydrogenated fats and oils are preferred by fast food restaurants and other processed food companies because they can be stored on the shelf for years without going rancid. This lack of spoilage on the shelf is a real advantage for food preparers, but is devastating for those who eat the food. While hydrogenated fats and oils don't easily spoil outside the body, once you ingest them, they turn rancid. And rancid fats are toxic to the body.

The following items also contribute toward gallstone formation:

 The gallbladder is a 3-inch long membranous sac attached to the liver. Excess gall, or bile, which comes from the liver, is stored and concentrated in the gallbladder. The purpose of bile is to break fat into microscopic droplets when it comes into the digestive area. When foods cannot be broken down properly for digestion, gallstones may form.

Gallbladder Surgery

We know of a man who complained of severe indigestion. In desperation, he visited his local medical doctor. Upon examining the patient, the doctor found gallstones were causing the pain.

The doctor lost no time in taking care of the problem. He told the patient that his gallbladder must be removed immediately. He was sent directly to the hospital and scheduled for gallbladder surgery. The patient was so weakened by pain that he readily accepted the doctor's advice. Everything happened so quickly that he had no time to go back home and consider alternative solutions.

The patient is now at home recovering from major surgery. It will take many months of rehabilitation for his body to function normally again, if it ever does. He also has a large scar across his abdomen that will be tender for a long time. What are the results of his surgery? He now has no gallbladder and no appendix, which they also took out in the bargain. The operation cost thousands of dollars and weeks of lost work. And that is not the worst of it. Unless this man changes to a more natural diet, his body will continue forming gallstones. They will lodge in the small pocket left from the surgery. All of this pain, suffering and expense might have been avoided if this man had known about the Gallbladder Cleanse. Even when he was in his crisis situation just prior to the surgery, he could have still tried the cleanse.

Removal of the gallbladder is a common operation. If you elect to have this surgery, prices start at $10,000 for the surgery alone. Doctors can go in and remove just the gallstones, but the stones will return. Their solution is to take out the gallbladder. They have been taught that the gallbladder is an unnecessary organ, so why not remove it. Unfortunately, gallbladder surgery does not always solve the problem since stones can still form. Many people who no longer have a gallbladder do this cleanse and pass gallstones.

Incidentally, when doctors take out the gallbladder, which is major surgery, they usually take out the appendix as part of the package deal and you lose two vital organs. Some doctors know about this Gallbladder Cleanse and that it effectively removes gallstones, but doing surgery is just too profitable for them.

Doing the Cleanse

When you do the gallbladder cleanse, you will be performing a bloodless operation. There will be no pain and no scar tissue. The little bit of discomfort you will experience will be well worth it because of the increased health benefits.

The gallbladder cleanse takes 4 days to complete and is simple and inexpensive. Each day for 4 days you drink up to 1 gallon of apple juice and up to 1 gallon of distilled water. You will not feel hungry. The apple juice will give you energy. Take it easy during this time to allow the body to work on cleansing.

This is not the time to do hard physical work. Each morning or evening, do a saltwater flush or an enema to help remove toxins that are being released. It is important to take a daily saltwater flush or enema because poisons settle in the rectum and these poisons need to be expelled from the body before they cause problems.

Drinking the Oil

 On the evening of the third night when you are tired and ready for bed, drink 1/2 cup of virgin olive oil or cold pressed peanut oil. Don't buy the refined oils sold in supermarkets. Natural foods stores sell unrefined oil. Chill the oil - it tastes better cold and use a straw to sip it. It is better to not let it touch the lips to minimize the unpleasantness of the oil.

Right after taking the 1/2 cup of olive oil, drink 1/4 cup of fresh squeezed lemon juice. Then go directly to bed and lie down on your right side with two pillows under the right hip. The pillows slant the body so that the oil will leave the stomach faster and go down into the duct area and into the gallbladder. As you rest, the oil will be saturating and cleansing the body tissues. It will feel awkward, but this is the most effective position for the oil to do its work in expelling the gallstones. You may change your position after 4 or 5 hours.

Reactions to Cleanse

After drinking the oil and lemon, you may feel like burping or vomiting. You might sip on a little tomato juice. The acid and the salt in the juice help cut the oil. Don't drink more than a tablespoon or so of the tomato juice. You might want to just hold it in your mouth and then spit it out. Sometime during the night, you may vomit or be nauseated. This is caused by the gallbladder ejecting the stones with such force that it shoots the oil back into the stomach. When the oil returns to the stomach, you get sick. You may be able to feel the expulsion of stones. It will not be a sharp pain, just a mild contraction. In all honesty, you may spend a miserable night. But it is only one night of discomfort. Recovery from conventional gallbladder surgery involves many months of pain and suffering as the scar tissue mends.

Rewards from the Cleanse

You will soon have the reward of seeing the gallstones out of your body. These stones will no longer be interfering with normal body functions. Put your mind on how much more dynamic you will feel after the cleanse. Many people report having increased stamina after this cleanse.

We have known about this cleanse for several years, but we did not think we had gallstones, so we saw no need to investigate further. We were surprised to learn that almost every adult who does this cleanse, passes gallstones. Even though we now eat a more natural diet, there were many years when we ate the Standard American Diet. Those gallstones that we passed during the cleanse had been sitting in our body, obstructing the body's natural functions, for many years. We are glad they are now out.

Fourth Day

On the morning after drinking the oil, you will probably want to lie in bed and take it easy. Use the time for prayer and quiet meditation. You might want to watch videos or listen to cassette tapes or read. You won't be in pain. Continue drinking apple juice and distilled water.

Passing the Stones

Sometime during the fourth day you will probably have a bowel movement. Check the toilet water carefully. When you pass gallstones, you should see them floating near the top of the toilet water. You won't feel pain when they are expelled. The oil makes them slick and the lemon juice takes the sharpness out. The stones are soft when they pass. The stones can be the size of tiny pebbles or as large as the end of your thumb. The stones come in different shades of green and may be bright colored and shiny like gemstones. The color comes from the bile. The light colored stones are the newest. Blackish stones are the oldest. Some people say that when they passed their stones, the toilet water looked like balls of bright green grass.

It is exciting to actually see gallstones that were once inside your body. It is rewarding to see them out of your body where they can do you no more harm. Because they are softened, they seem waxy, rather than stony. They may also be coated with fecal matter. You can get a colander or strainer and try fishing the stones out and washing them off. It is not unusual to expel 100 or more gallstones after doing this cleanse. Continue doing daily saltwater flushes or enemas for 2 or 3 more days after you expel the gallstones to help clean out the toxins that are coming into the colon from the cleanse.

After you have passed the gallstones, you will experience increased stamina. Don't pig out on the fifth day. The body has slowed down and it will take 3 or 4 days to rebuild to a normal diet. For 3 or 4 days following the fast, eat plenty of raw fruits and vegetables and drink unsweetened juices to restart the digestive mechanisms. Eat small meals and watch to see if there is pain after eating. If so, go more slowly. Fruits are easiest to digest. On the second day after the cleanse, a simple vegetable soup with plenty of broth is good.

Shopping list for Gallbladder Cleanse
per individual

4 gallons of apple juice
4 gallons of steam distilled water
1/2 c virgin olive oil or cold-pressed peanut oil
3 lemons (or enough to make 1/4 cup lemon juice)
tomato juice - 1 tablespoon
1 straw (optional)

If you do this cleanse in the fall, look for freshly-pressed, raw apple juice in the supermarket. Or, if you have an apple press, you could use freshly made apple juice. Otherwise, bottled, unsweetened apple juice is fine.

Make sure the water is "steam distilled water." Bottled drinking water is not the same. You do not want water with minerals in it.

 Sample from Cleansing or Surgery book
Sample from Surgery 

How To Clear The Throat Of Mucus

How to Clear the Throat of Mucus

Mucus is unpleasant, nasty, and sometimes stays with you for longer than expected. Luckily, there are lots of ways you can get rid of mucus and phlegm in your throat. Start by providing basic care for your throat and mucus. If this doesn't work, you can try herbal and natural remedies. For frequent trouble with mucus, change your diet to avoid foods that can increase mucus.

Getting Basic Care

1. Clear phlegm or mucus from your throat by coughing. If an excess of mucus has made its home in your throat, it's okay to evict it by coughing it up. Find a remote place, such as a bathroom, and try to loosen the mucus from your throat by coughing or hacking. Make sure not to cough too hard or too much, as it can do some damage.

2. Gargle with warm water and salt. Dissolve a teaspoon of salt into 8 ounces of lukewarm or warm water. Take the water into your mouth, tilt your head back, and without swallowing, gargle the salt water in the back of your throat.

3. Drink plenty of liquids during the day. The right liquids can help loosen the mucus from the lining of the throat as the liquids pass down the esophagus. Try the following for time-tested mucus relief:Warm tea with lemon and honey. This should be one of your mainstays. The acidity of the lemon is good at breaking up the mucus while the honey coats the throat with a pleasant protective layer afterward.
Tea with a sprig of fresh thyme in it.
Warm soup. Chicken soup is a favorite because the broth is light and cuts the mucus. Stick with lighter broths instead of thicker, creamier soups.
Cool water. Listen to your thirst and drink as much water as you need to stay satiated.

4. Try steam treatment. Give yourself a steam treatment and let warm steam travel down your sinus and throat, loosening up some of the mucus that's lodged there. Try the following for relief:Wrap a towel around your head and breathe in the steam issuing from warm water. Even better, steep some tea (chamomile works great) in a large pot, carefully lower your head over being and breathe in the steam.
Take warm showers. If you take a long shower, be sure to moisturize afterward as warm water robs your skin of essential oils and moisture.
Use a humidifier/vaporizer. Allow your humidifier to pump moist air into your room. Take care not to pump too much moisture into the air; a little bit goes a long way.

5. Use medicine that curbs mucus. Generic medicine, like guaifenesin (Mucinex), is available to thin out and loosen mucus. Look for medicines that are labeled "expectorants," which means to clear out phlegm or mucus.

6. Remove mucus on your tongue with a tongue scraper. Place the tongue scraper on the back of your tongue, then slowly bring it forward. Wipe off the tongue scraper, then repeat as many times as needed. This can remove mucus from the back of your mouth. You can find a tongue scraper at your local drugstore or online.

Administering Herbal and Natural Remedies

1. Use eucalyptus oil. Eucalyptus oil has long been used as an herbal mucus relief product. The most effective way to use eucalyptus oil is to line the upper chest area with a carrier oil such as coconut oil and then rub in a few drops of the eucalyptus oil. This might make you cough a little more than expected, at first, but after a while it should help loosen mucus from your throat.Add a few drops of eucalyptus oil to your vaporizer for another effective treatment option. Do not take eucalyptus oil orally.

2. Add turmeric powder to liquids to keep the digestive tract working. Turmeric also works as an antiseptic. Add one tablespoon of turmeric and one tablespoon of honey to 8 ounces of hot water, dissolving. Drink the liquid, and repeat for best results.

3. Eat spicy foods to get the mucus loose and runny. The list of spicy foods that can aid in mucus relief is long. A few foods you might eat include:Wasabi or horseradish
Peppers, such as jalapeno or Anaheim
Ginger and even garlic
Avoiding Mucus-Producing Foods and Irritants

1. Stay away from milk and dairy. Although many dispute the evidence that dairy makes mucus worse, it's best to avoid it if you think that mucus may get worse after you reach for the milk. That's because the fat content in milk may be high, making mucus thicker and more irritating.

2. Stay away from soy products. Soy products, such as soymilk, tofu, and tempeh, although rich in protein and otherwise healthy for you, may increase the viscosity of mucus and cause buildups of mucus in the chest. If you have a choice, it may be better to stay on the safe side and avoid soy.

3. Stop smoking. Just another reason — one of many — to quit smoking if you haven't already. Smoking irritates the throat, worsens respiratory function, and causes congestion.

4. Avoid other irritants such as strong chemicals or paints. Paints and household cleaners such as ammonia may be irritating to the nose and throat, causing further mucus production.
Diagnosing the Problem

1. Know if you have a cold. You probably know whether or not you have a cold. But do you know why colds are accompanied by persistent mucus? Mucus performs two functions:It coats organs, keeping them moisturized and preventing them from drying out.
It acts as a kind of first defense against pollutants and bacteria, which often get caught in the mucus before infiltrating the rest of the body.

2. Know if you may have post-nasal drip. Post-nasal drip is when your body produces excess mucus, and the mucus runs down your throat instead of out your nose. Post-nasal drip can be caused by colds and allergies, certain medications (including medicines for hypertension), deviated septa, and fumes from irritants. Call your doctor if your drainage is foul-smelling or lasts for longer than 10 days.

3. Know if the mucus is being caused by seasonal allergies or an allergic reaction.Allergies can stimulate the production of mucus. Mucus caused by allergies is usually clear, whereas mucus caused by a cold or flu is usually greenish yellow. If you're susceptible to allergies, avoid going outside on days when the pollen count is high, and stay away from:Mold
Animal dander
Dust mites

4. Know that being pregnant can exacerbate mucus production. If you recently found out you are pregnant, that could explain your problem with mucus. While there's not anything you can take, aside from decongestants like Claritin, it should be comforting to know that your ramped-up mucus production won't last forever.

5. Consider if mucus on your tongue could be thrush. If most of the excess mucus seems to be on the back of your tongue, then it could be a sign of oral thrush, which is caused by candida. You might also notice the following symptoms: White sores on your tongue, inner cheeks, gums, tonsils, and roof of your mouth
Loss of taste
Feeling like you have cotton in your mouth

How To Use Your Emirates ID

Convenient things you can use your Emirates ID for

Pay for petrol, withdraw cash and more 

If you live in the UAE then you must have an Emirates ID (it’s a legal requirement), which means knowing what you can do with one when moving to Dubai is useful information.

Emirates IDs are issued by the Federal Authority for Identity and Citizenship to all UAE citizens and residents. 

The identity card holds important information in its electronic chip such as the holder’s basic information, photo and biometric data and fingerprints. 

You may have thought that your EID was just a requirement, but did you know that you can use the piece of plastic for a handful of other useful things? Well, you can and here are all the ways how. 

How to use your Emirates ID to withdraw money from an ATM

Several banks in the UAE allow customers to withdraw money by using their Emirates ID. 

You must bank with the bank and different banks have different rules. 

If you are an Emirates NBD customer. You can withdraw cash with your EID if you have the Emirates NBD mobile app on your phone. You’ll use the app to generate a code that you’ll then use at the ATM to withdraw the amount you need.

Mashreq Bank allows customers to open accounts, pay their bills, update their personal information and withdraw and deposit cash by just showing their Emirates ID.

When using a Mashreq ATM, the customer’s existing bank cards will appear on the ATM screen, allowing them to choose from a number of options including cash withdrawal, local and international transfers and chequebook and statement requests.

Emirates IDs can also be used for cash withdrawals and transfers through Al Hilal Bank’s ATMs.

How to use your Emirates ID to pay for fuel at petrol stations 

If you want to use your Emirates ID to pay for fuel you need to download an ADNOC Wallet. Once you have the app, your Emirates ID is linked to it and you can add money to your account.

When filling up your petrol tank at ADNOC petrol stations you can insert your EID into the card payment slot and follow the on-screen instructions to pay for your fuel.

You can also use your EID to pay for stuff at ADNOC Oasis convenience stores and car washes if you have an ADNOC Wallet.

How to use your Emirates ID as your health insurance card 

Don’t worry if you forget your health insurance card during your next visit to the doctor’s clinic as you can show your Emirates ID. Medical service providers can use EIDs to process medical insurance. 

How to use your Emirates ID at DXB airport’s e-gates

Smart gates are an automated self-service border control system. They use facial recognition technology to identify travellers and can be found at Terminal 3 of DXB airport. 

Smart gates match faces to data connected to immigration databases which will know if the traveller is a UAE National, GCC National, UAE resident or a visa-on-arrival guest.

If you want to use your Emirates ID to head through the smart gate then all you need to do is swipe your Emirates ID card and look into the green light at the gate. You must remove glasses, hats and face masks before passing through.

How to use your Emirates ID to get discounts 

Probably the most fun aspect of holding an Emirates ID is that it can unlock discounts across the UAE. 

Several hotels and attractions offer cut-price deals to residents and all you have to do is flash your EID. 

Want to know how to save by being a UAE resident? Check out Dubai resident deals.


NoelGRSr 2016