Effective Way Of Calculating Your Macros

How to Calculate your Macros? 

Effective Way Of Calculating Your Macros

A vital part of your fitness journey is to know how to count macros (protein, fats, carbs, and fiber) to achieve your body composition goals. But before we can move forward, we must first find out the number of calories you burn in a day or  Total Daily Energy Expenditure (TDEE). 

So now that you know your TDEE, we can start setting up your macros.

Let’s use this example. Bill has a TDEE of 2900 calories.
He can either eat more than his TDEE to gain weight.
Eat less than the TDEE to lose weight.
Eat the same as your TDEE to maintain your weight.

To gain weight, Bill would add 500 calories a day to your TDEE to gain 1 pound a week.

To lose weight, Bill would want to subtract 500 calories to lose a pound a week. When it comes to losing weight, you don’t want to lose more than 2 pounds a week.

Losing more than 2 pounds a week increases the risk of losing muscle. We want to preserve our muscle.

So back to our example. Bill has a TDEE of 2900 and wants to lose 1 pound a week to preserve as much muscle as possible.

First, we subtract his TDEE by 500.

2900-500= 2400 calories a day.

Now we can start setting up his macros.

First, we start with protein.
Four calories per 1 gram of protein
20-30% thermogenic effect
.8 grams to 1.2 grams per lb of body weight.

In this case, we will use 1.2 g/lb.

If Bill weighs 190 lbs, we will multiply 190 x 1.2= 228 grams of protein per day.

Then we multiply 228 x 4 (the calorie value of protein), and that gives us …912 calories.

2400-912 leaves us with 1488 calories left to be split between carbs and fats.

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NoelGRSr 2016