Dubai Announces 10-Week Interval For Resident Taking Oxford-AstraZeneca Vaccine

The Dubai Health Authority (DHA) announced Tuesday that there is now a 10-week interval for those taking the Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine in Dubai.

“Based on recent studies from the University of Oxford on the Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine and as per the recommendations of the WHO, DHA has approved a 10-week interval between the 1st & 2nd dose of the Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine,” the statement reads.

DHA also explained that recent studies showed higher efficacy and higher acquired immunity when the dosing interval between the first and second doses is increased.

The health authority said they will send a text message to those who are set to receive the second dose to inform them of the date and location for their vaccination appointment.

It was only last February 2 when the UAE started offering the vaccine, as part of its national vaccination program.

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