Robots Are Being Made To Replace Men By 2025

Will Robots Replace Men By 2025?

The world is fast changing and technology is becoming more and more automated!

The transition from the industrial age to the age of automation is happening thus more and more jobs will be delegated to our robot counterparts. Jobs such as:

You read that right, they won’t only be taking over the more menial jobs that pollute human existence but also will become our companions.

Futurologist Dr. Ian Pearson opened up about eh role that robots will take in our lives as early as 2025.

He believes that humans sleeping with robots in place of humans will be commonplace by 2025. His report on the future of intimate relations between humans and robots was published in partnership with Bondara.

Bondara is one of the United Kingdom's leading adult toy stores and they have a vested interested obviously in robots that will become our intimate partners.

THE YEAR IS 2030...AND.. will robots replace men?
By 2030 relations between humans and robots will be as common as viewing adult films on the internet is now. By 2035 most of us will have toys (robots) that will interact with virtual reality. Dr. Pearson also believes that intimate robot relations will overtake relations between humans.

The upper class will be the first to have these robots that will be used for intimate relations. Dr. Pearson believes that they will overtake human intimate relations by 2050.

So what are your thoughts on Robots replacing men in 2025?

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NoelGRSr 2016